Service Levels and Fees

We can find a way to work with nearly anyone

Anxiety over legal fees and expenses is one of the greatest barriers to people being able to access to the legal system.  We understand that most people don’t have money laying around to pay lawyers.  However, quality representation does cost money.  There are very few situations where we can’t customize a plan to allow you to have the quality legal representation that you need at a price that you can afford.

Service Levels for Uncontested Matters

We offer three basic levels of service for uncontested matters.  For people needing to begin a probate or administration proceeding, or nearly anything else that goes on in probate court, this option is ideal.  We nearly always do this type of work on a flat fee basis. The options are:

Sometimes clients will start with only coaching and later decide to move up to document preparation or even full representation as they get into the case.  You are never locked into your level of service.  We can always move you up if we need to do that.

Service Levels for Contested matters

Sometimes probate matters are contested by other members of the family or even creditors.  In contested matters, we offer three basic types of representation:

In addition, we can always discuss a custom plan for you that may include a payment plan or even a monthly subscription.  Don’t let the payment of the fee deter you from contacting us for a free quote.


Let us know a little bit about your situation and we can help you customize a solution to your problem.